NHRI AHI Indian National Hydrology Lecture Award-2024

NHRI AHI Indian National Hydrology Lecture Award-2023

Aims & Activities

The Association of Hydrologists of India (AHI) was initiated in 1981 with the objectives of providing a common platform to all the scientists belonging to the subjects of geology, geophysics, geohydrology, metereology, engineering, remote sensing, geochemistry, social scientists and the like interested in fostering, developing and adapting new techniques in conserving water resources and distributing them equitably over the surface of the earth. The AHI, in pursuance of this objective, has organised 24 national seminars on various subjects of local, regional and/or general themes of importance and 5 international seminars, one at Kathmandu in collaboration with Nepal Geological Society and two at Visakhapatnam, India and the last being the Joint International Conference of 8th IAHS Scientific Assembly and 37th IAH Congress held at HICC, Hyderabad.

The AHI has also thought it fit to publish a scientific journal to provide an opening for the vast hydrological studies that are being undertaken in this part of the world, to the scientific community world over. The Journal of Applied Hydrology (JAH) was started in 1988 as a quarterly and is being published since then. It is heartening to observe that the Journal is being received by many scientific communities.

The AHI is an accredited member of United Nations Committee on Environment and Development (UNCED), Committee on Sustainable Development (CSD), and Global Water Partnership (GWP), South Asia.

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